accounting act

英 [əˈkaʊntɪŋ ækt] 美 [əˈkaʊntɪŋ ækt]




  1. Another widely reposted story is about an accounting student who is determined to become a flight attendant. The 21-year-old man has spent a whole year learning etiquette, emergency medical aid and the Civil Aviation Act to achieve his goal.
  2. Accounting personnel of socialism ought to be had be practical and realistic, clean-fingered act according to fair, impartially handle affairs, excelsior professional morality.
  3. In response to the opportunities and challenges followed, accounting organizations and the accounting system should act quickly, from all levels to reflect, change and improve.
  4. Just as the bursting of the dot-com bubble and an outbreak of corporate accounting scandals led to passage of Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, US politicians now seem equally committed to a recasting of the regulatory framework governing financial markets.
  5. James Doty, chairman of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, said the US would eventually have to act if China continued to prevent his staff from checking the work of Chinese audit firms.
  6. The act created the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board to replace self-regulation, and mandated auditor independence requirements.
  7. The paper discusses the accounting in retrospectively regulating act and future applicable methods and the disclosure of accounting policy modification in reports.
  8. A discussion of accounting act influenced by taxation
  9. Since the implementation of the Accounting Act, schoolmasters and presidents are obliged to be responsible for the authenticity and integrity of accounting work and data.
  10. The key of carrying on the inner accounting control effectively is the science and rationality of the system itself, the seriousness of its act and the strictness of its check to actualization of the inner accounting control.
  11. Serving as the main guidelines to the trading in services, General Agreement on Trade in Service ( GATS) also has an great influence on the globalization process of trade in accounting services, in which market access and national treatment are the chief factors to act.
  12. In China, the accounting regulation in the securities market relates to such economic laws as Accounting Norms, Company Law, Securities Act, as well as Accounting Act, Accounting Information Disclosure Regulations, Auditing System of CPA, etc.
  13. It is one of the requirements to strengthen the internal control when carrying out the Accounting Act.
  14. In reality, accounting can act as value criterion, recording labour consumption and labour result.
  15. However, This is only a partial answer to the question "how accounting information act on the usefulness of investment decision-making", more analyses in depth are needed to enrich the studies.
  16. The bill was enacted in the background that Enron and WorldCom accounting scandal broke out. Therefore, the development process of "Sarbanes-Oxley Act" was in a hurry, and there are some loopholes.
  17. Evaluate the performance of listed companies have a traditional event study research methods ( market share analysis) and the Accounting Act ( financial indicators to assess the law).